Topic: Much thanks to Will and Chad!
I just wanted to thank Will, Chad and crew for reviving what was a dead foos scene in Edmonton. The tournaments so far have been some of the most well run local tournaments I've ever attended. I know how much time and money it's taken to make this happen and ultimately it's all for our benefit. We need to support their efforts wherever we can in my opinion.
I for one appreciate your efforts very much. Thanks, guys!
I second that motion. They have the drive & desire to succeed at this and I commend them for that.
Having been the person who did 90% of the city organizing in years gone by- from weekly dyps/annual tourneys/ & Walmac Vifa leagues- I now officially pass the mantle to them.
Congrats to a great start and keep it up!
After having some skepticism early on about how a few peoples desire would translate into jump starting a dead scene I'm thrilled to be proven wrong and then some. Congrats on everything so far and here's to continually large turnouts . If I can help out in anyway whether it be organization, table maintenance, or running some mini clinics or something let me know.
As stated, well done gentlemen!
Eventhough I am a little cheesed that the scene is picking up right before im planning to move to Saskatoon... maybe Ill have to take your guys' lead and get shit going out there again. HUGE kudos though!
Thanks everyone for the support, and thanks for coming out to the tournament. I'm super pumped about foosball right now! Also the rest of you guys that have been promoting this, thanks. I cant think of anything cooler to be doing on tuesday nights than playing awesome tournaments! as christian said in a different thread.. FOOOOSSSBBAAAALLLLL!
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