Hmmm...from memory.
Tuan beat Paul John beat Mike K Robbie beat Tuan Robbie beat John
Robbie winner of A side
Paul beat Mike K Tuan beat Paul John beat Tuan
John winner of B side
Finals Robbie beat John (one match)
Robbie60 John 10
hey tuan only gave me $50 was it suppossed to be $60?
Let's see...
Paul 10 John 10 + 20 kicker = 30 Tuan 10 Robbie 10 Mike K 5
10 + 30 + 10 + 10 + 5 = 65
I got 10 so you should get 55
ok then tuan owes me $5. and don't let tuan hold the money any more.
obviously can't be trusted when he doesn't win.very sportsmanlike.
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