Heya Pete, I just got a table and I was wondering if i could buy extra men and pins from ya?
I doubt I need to tell you this "next one" but you can always buy extra men at Drake and Richards.
Haha, It took me a while to figure that one out. I know you live around there, but I was talking about foosball men. And maybe I could get a deal from Pete.
wait till u see my new 5 bar, the best way to describe it is like accidentally walking in and seeing your parents having sex.
Robbie, you know how you told yourself it was an accident.... you lied to yourself... You know how you told yourself you had a new 5....
How many were you looking for? I made an order a while back and have some sitting around, though not massive amounts.
Sorry that I haven't posted but I don't have any men for sale.
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