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Topic: where to play

Author: foosghost Original Message Posted: Mar 13 2008 1:35AM

I've received the following email:

Hi Eric,
My name is Lindsay Diehl and I'm from Columbus, Ohio, USA. I'm making a trip up to Edmonton Saturday March 15th and I'll be there until friday. I'd be interested if you could provide me with any names or places where the better players play at so I can come up and thrash all you Canadian Players.


So what should i tell em?

Author: S. Edwards Reply #1 Posted: Mar 13 2008 6:27PM

Tell him to go to Rosarios. There should be a few of us there on Saturday night around 7:30 PM

11715C 108 Ave.
Edmonton, AB

Author: Lindsay Reply #2 Posted: Mar 14 2008 8:18AM

Thanks, You"ll probably see me there

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