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Topic: TSAC Exec boards moving

Author: foosghost Original Message Posted: May 5 2008 11:32PM

I'm going to be moving the executive boards to ning.

A few exec members can't seem to log onto these boards for whatever reason, and our site is stale, and we simply need to have more control over our site / and its message boards, and it needs to be easier for us to control - at various levels as well (each region should have its own site for example).

So ning is perfect for this - and its free. I've recieved nothing but good comments on the mock site i setup a few months ago:

I will create the appropriate sites, and set everything up, and i'll pay for the domain to be moved as well - so when people enter they will see the ning site.

In the mean time if anyone has any concerns about this, voice them now - I would guess you have a few weeks before i'm ready to officially move operations over to the new site, so speak up, or we're moving.

Author: Taha Reply #1 Posted: May 6 2008 7:32AM

Hi Eric.

I have been sort of hoping that TSAC might be able to use the English version of FAST. I have the French version, and they said the English version would be coming out in April. They recently released the documentation for FAST in English. Perhaps we can inquire as to when the English version is available and see if we can wait for that. The good thing about that is that it allows us to maintain a rankings system and run tournaments also.


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