Hi Everyone,
I cannot seem to get a hold of Peter for the use of "Vancouverfoosball.com" domain name to point to my server so I purchased "vancouverfoosball.net" domain name and pointed to my home server. Please access it by using "www.vancouverfoosball.net". For those of you who know how to input the tournament sheets please do so and let me know if it works or not.
Have fun boyz. Cheers.
You are awesome...! Talk about stepping up to the plate and getting it done.
Okay, so we just change our favorites from .com to .net - a very simple solution. That was a great idea...
(if you ever need a hand just let me know)
No problems Twinkle thanks for offering, as you know I'm only hosting the site but would not be making changes to your original code, only on pages that was pointing to the .com site to .net. If you need access to the site just let me know I can set up the ftp for you.
change away.. I'm not sure if the pages you are using have been changed or not by onur... who knows if onur had a friend over :o)
If you have any problems just let me know... I'd be happy to help.
OMG!! why does www.vancouverfoosball.net work and not vancouverfoosball.net? Anyways, this is great!! Thankyou so much from everyone Shane. Ok here I go, I will enter the Freddy classic tournament and yesterday's singles. Who has the sheet for last sunday's doubles where Johnny and Tim double dipped Robert and Craig?
Holy tilloty!! It works dandy!!
Now the May 25th and 18th doubles were entered but never calculated properly, it has 0's for all matches won and lost. Should we just re-enter them?
Shane, if you add the wild card 'vancouverfoosball.net' within your DNS setting, people will be able to use the domain name without the 'www'... for example:
vancouverfoosball.net. IN A www.vancouverfoosball.net. IN A
I don't think it's a big deal though...
Dave - I forgot to mention:
the May 4th tournament was marked as the 2nd tournament for the day however there was only one tournament that day - because of that, the points were taken from the 1st tournment but being no such tournment it defaulted to '0'...
- this is basically the same problem you had with the april 11 singles matches - they were entered twice and both were marked as the same tournament.
Everything should be correct now (as all points have been recalculated.)
I'll check for the next couple entries to make sure the system does work but then you'll have to get onur or someone to monitor it... (I don't mind giving a hand with correcting any problems with the original program itself but other than that you'll need to find someone)
Hi Everyone,
The vancouverfoosball.net should work as well as www.vancouverfoosball.net, I've added it to the sites host header.
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