Topic: I'll enter the last tournament.
ok by memory...date I forget.
tim beat tuan jeff beat steinback tim beat john dave beat jeff jeff beat tim steinback leaves for issues...defaults to JOHN?/JEFF? tim beat dave (ouch) jeff beat dave (ouch)
tim and jeff play 1 ball to decide 1 match jeff beat tim tim beat jeff tim has his day..hurray!!
so do i have it right? who is mikesteinbacks default 2nd loss to?
Damn, someone actually cares lol .
I beat Johnny, not Tim, in the semi's. I also beat Tuan. I think Steinbeck was supposed to play Johnny, but default, so johnny played me (not 100% on that - but it would make sense).
Don't forget Steinbach fixes overflowing toilet with a smack of leaky connector pipe and finds relief yet again! (-125 points)
Tourny is up and Congrats Jeff, you are master again in singles!
Yea - you shouldn't lose points if your forfeit (as in mikes case) - is there a way to manually fix that?
I could look into it(do i sound like i know what im doing? cause i don't haha)
Is that how we did it in the past? I have a hunch that if you manually fix it, somewhere later you will end up losing the points because the system tries to recorrect the change in points.
kinda like what happened to you Jeff. After I did that you mysteriously lost mad points remember?
Yea, I don't know why it does that. We rarely ever have forfeits, but that is how they do it with the official points system in the states - you don't lose points if you announce your forfeit (usually people who are flying out, or don't make it in time to the tournament). We could experiment and see what happens, but its a gamble :) - Yea, we really need some code master junky in here to make sure these manual changes to mess up the system.
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