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Nope, not yet. I did however get my new surface. Gonna wait for my new sidestrips etc before I install it
how and where did you get a new surface?
The other stuff, does it include new balls?
I got a new surface because my table is brand new. Or well it was anyways. So I bitched and moaned to Dave C that my table is concave. He sent me levellers and they worked okay but not perfectly so I asked for a new surface.
The new stuff should include:
new balls new men new bearings new handles new side strips
They don't include the new scoring markers but I don't like them anyways because they feel cheap and you can only push them like 1/2 inch when u score...it's pretty lame.
Anyone want to make an offer on my table?
I'll give you a grand for it, if you throw in the vette...
$41,000 and I get the rights to your brain to sell to science and we got a deal Jeff.
Nelson, Cortez bros.
Did any of you guys get your upgrade kits yet?
No I have not. I'm still in the process of replacing the playfield and now getting a new top for my cabinet. Word of advice to anyone that tries to replace it. If it's glued/caulked don't bother because taking it out involves a sledge hammer.
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