Who's coming out tonight?
Turns out, I can probably make it.
See you there pending Harv grabs me.
Not tonight for me - my boy's a little sick.
I WILL make it out next week for sure, Friday probably. Hoping to hear some stories from Jeff T & Craig.
no can do, i forgot it was sunday
who won last night, who has the sheet.
Robert and Harry won in the Finals against me and Braden. Went to second set. Not sure who has the sheet.
From my memory:
A side:
Jeff/Braden def Tim/Dave Robert def Paul (singles) Robert/Harry def Jeff/Braden
B side: Paul/Harry def Tim/Dave Jeff/Braden def Paul/Harry Jeff/Braden def Robert/Harry (first set of finals) Robert/Harry def Jeff/Braden (second set of finals)
I think that covers everything.
Once again, Harry carries Robert. Some stuff never changes.
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