Single points from last night are now updated. Congratulations to Shane who is now ranked Master.
And for future reference, Ali is an amateur, not rookie.
I put Ali at Rookie because there is no way he should have gone Amateur in the 4 tournaments he has played. That sounds like an arbitrary points reset way back when he first came out and those arbitrary resets without discussion are BS, in my opinion. Tim
You're correct Jeff, there is a problem with the system, I know where the problems lies, when I run the query manually there is 5 instances of my scores for the tournament date, and one of them is correct which is 2398 but the query uses the function Last(points_after) field which apparently is 2368. I need to talk to Skye to fix this problem. Everyone is affected by this. What we are missing is a field that distinguishes the most current record.
field 1 = Player ID field 2 = point after calculation field 3 = points accumulated of deducted field 4 = players name field 5 = rank field 6 = rank title
33 2331 24 Chow, Shane 5 Pro 33 2368 -32 Chow, Shane 6 Master 33 2378 47 Chow, Shane 5 Pro 33 2398 30 Chow, Shane 6 Master 33 2400 28 Chow, Shane 6 Master
The 4th line should be shown, instead the 2nd line is shown.
Any Ideas Skye.
I told ya Kid Lightning that you'd go master that night. What's up Nelson? i said that you should win on friday way to unfufill my predictions.
The points system caps off at 2400, kinda like when I had to manually edit Tims points. After you manually edit the points past 2400 it seems to work ok.
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