Topic: Points Update for Doubles
As a result of the last tournament, Jeff Allen is now Master. How do you ask? He got a lot of points off Tuan and Pete K. So yes Jeff is now Master in both singles and doubles, no more confusion.
Mike Kojer (Jeff's partner from last night) has now jumped up to Amateur in doubles.
Humberto is now rookie but is only 50 points away from amateur. He has gained 230 points in the 2 tournaments. So if he decides to win again he will be amateur in doubles.
That's it for rank changes.
And when it comes to sandbaggers, Robert G knows what he's talking about.
I think what might end alot of problems is if we had less ranks. Pro/master can be one rank, am/expert can be another, rookie/am and then beginner for first timers. Then spots wouldn't be so rediculous, sandbagging wouldn't be a problem, and there wouldn't be so much back and forth movement between ranks.
But I like getting spots. I will sign your petition if you can reset me to beginner
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