
Topic: i jus played on tuans new table ,i dont know if i<
can go back to playing on the crappy soho tables.is waaay different
Well, i was at Vegas Robbie ... and let me tell you it was very very frustrating playing on the Soho tables when i got back. The new T-3000's are very good tables and would make every player a better player almost instantly ... which is good for the game.
I played on a cooper before I started coming out to Soho. Let me tell you about crap...
one thing i really noticed,was less slop goals because of stickier balls n slower speed of balls,better banks
I totally agree. When i play on my new table at home, it's really difficult to adjust to the Soho tables. But oh well...
Playing on his table.
My form is good so it wasn't an adjustment at all, very minor at best.
Tuan's or the new tables are grippier and only an idiot can't bank on them.
The new tables are sooo good!
Although i didn't try many banks while i was in Vegas ... cause my backpin was kickin' major ass ... i will reserve judgement as to whether banks are better with hard and slippery balls (Soho) or softer and stickier ones (T-3000)
Me thinks hard and slippery wins out in this case ...
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