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Topic: Roll-over (snake shot) Techniques

Author: The Next One. Original Message Posted: Jun 22 2009 6:53PM

Taking this opportunity to help other's with their roll overs.

I've been struggling with my roll-over for some time now, and have forgetten just how incredible it can be. I've been tinkering, adjusting, and changing grips for half a year now. It has come back in the last few days. I am shocked at the difference, and overjoyed at what i have. Grateful is the word. And now i want to help others.


missing the net...I was focusing on the lateral too much. stretching out my shot, missing the net. thus my shot was slow and raceable. I was yanking my release, trying to go out there, big winde ups, going for the hit too late. Due to trying too hard. The roll over is supposed to be an effortless shot.

Corrected it by
1. trusting my release and just focusing on the hit.
2. Upon release of the ball, go for the hit immediately. this release/hit point determines how fast or slow the shot is.

After you get your form, the next problem is tensing up when to hit it at the right moment on a moving Defense. you end up second guessing yourself and whiffing or missing your shot.

Correcting this is practicing your shot now that your form is good, again and again till you can do it just off feel, or with your eyes closed. So when you want to take it, you'll take it.

Hope this helps someone out there.

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