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Topic: Gateway Edmonton Results Tuesday Aug 18

Author: Will Original Message Posted: Aug 20 2009 2:17AM


What a tournament we had this tuesday night. This was the first tuesday night tourney that we had so many new players. In certainly has a lot to do with the West Ed Mall event on saturday and we can really see the results of the work we put in. We found a lot of foosers that love the game and are really good(certanly not newbies) but probably arn't used to the "Pro" game we play.

We did a handicapped draw, and I think it went really well. I would say almost every team had a chance to win. We probably wont do many of these draws but it was a nice change. Thanks to whoever invented the system used in Calgary because we just stole it!

Anyway - I went over to Sam/Ben/Tobins place after the tourney for some browntop TS foos and I forgot to bring the foos bag home with me after so I don't have the charts. I wasn't planning on putting this one into netfoos either becuase of the handicapping.

Next Week - ProAm Draw!

1st: $55 JazzyJeff and Chris Kerr (Great playing guys!
2nd: $35 Garry and Shaun
3rd: $25 Tom and Rick

As a side not 3 of the guys that placed in the money only played there first tournament within the last 5 months.

Author: .Garry Reply #1 Posted: Aug 20 2009 8:57AM

"As a side not 3 of the guys that placed in the money only played there first tournament within the last 5 months."

And 1 was his first time ever... Great playing Shawn(sp?) You picked up the pro game really well. Placing second with a pro forward who struggled all night(but still battled was a good accomplishment. It's hard for a first timer to defend against pro forwards all night, facing good rollover after good pull shot after good rollover, but after seeing them once or twice you will be able to read and react to them and stop them more consistently. Your competitiveness was nice to see for a first timer.

Hopefully all the new foosers enjoyed themselves!

Author: domi nate Reply #2 Posted: Aug 20 2009 10:00AM

I think the handicapping system was developed by somebody in B.C....Peter Tielens, Richard Tench maybe??? Those kind of guys.

Author: dfnder Reply #3 Posted: Aug 21 2009 11:10AM

One of the first tournaments that Moya and I flew to we happened to be on a bus from the airport that Randy Stark was on. (I think it was a San Fran tournament) He mentioned that they spotted tournaments at times. When I came back to Vancouver I worked on developing a system.

Originally we had only 4 rankings and the spots were racked up to the lower ranked teams score prior to the start of the game. So two Pros vs two rookies - the rookies started at 3 points in a game to 5. After several years we switched to the current system. The VIFA league was developed by Rockie Wilson of Seattle and the ranking system was borrowed from us. I still believe that much of the early (tornado tour) success of the BC players was due to the original system - local pro's were unfazed being a goal or two down and were consistently mentally tough.

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