Topic: Friday Foosin' 01/15/10
Time to hit the balls around some more. I'm out of ink, can someone print out more Charts as no one in Vancouver knows how do make them by hand.
Paul knows how to draw them up. Problem is, nobody nobody else can make sense of the chart once he does.
I can print the sheets.
will be there 7.30ish
I'm not coming in until Peter starts supplying magnesium for the balls.
Friday results if someone wants to enter them;
jeff -bye Harry v Peter k-Pete Nelson bye ayman bye Humberto bye mike k v Paul - Paul John - bye
jeff v Pete - jeff Nelson v ayman - ayman Humberto - bye Paul v John - John
jeff v ayman - jeff humb v John - John
jeff v John - jeff
b side
Harry v Paul - Harry mike v pete - Pete
Nelson v Pete - Pete
Harry v ayman - Harry Pete v humb - petr
Pete v Harry - Pete pete v John - Pete
finals - jeff v pete - jeff (1st match)
I will come if Slow puts magnesium on his balls. But only if I can film it and put it on Youtube!
Until then, be watching for my new foosball video clips going up on fooesballboard.net soon...
This one is entered. Don't say I never entered tournaments for you Jeff!
PS Don't post with more tournaments because I'm lazy and should probably get to work now.
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