Topic: 5 bar defense

Author: Will Original Message Posted: Feb 23 2010 5:06PM

There is a topic on about this... Interesting discussion.

I'm just wondering what people here think... You don't have to be a pro to post about this... Everyone has a theory on 5 bar d. You have to think about it because it is crucial - so let's share opinions and see if we can figure out some new stuff.

Do you have a base d that you use against everyone?
Do you race / try to time the pass or play random d to make the passer guess?

What sort of tells do you look for?

Any other points that fit this topic?

Author: University of Foos Reply #1 Posted: Feb 23 2010 6:12PM

Very dependant on:
1)Who you're playing
2)What they pass
3)How well they execute

Certain players (usually lower ranked players) you can take the aproach of trying to steal every pass based on a bait/race, when they hit a certain level of execution you have to alter your methedology around making the block (and recovery... never forget the recovery).

In my mind the next level of 5-row defense is the timing the hole defense. At this level, you are allowing the opponent to see the hole and planning your block based on a knowledge of how long they take to acknoledge and execute to to the hole. In my experience this is a defense for mid level semipro to mid level pro 5-row.

The last methedology is when you are playing a pro-master (American rankings not Canadian) you need to accept the fact that chasing down every pass is not going to work, so you give them the same hole with a certain 'look' on your 5row defense repeatedly until you need a big block then you take away that pass under a similar 'look' with the expectation that they will make the assumption that you will not be there because it has been open the last three or four times they passed there.

As far as tells are concerned, for players that tic-tac passes around, they will often have specific tic-tac patterns to certain passes. Certain speeds of tic-tac to different holes.

The lane/wall (Billy Stick) series, some people setup the ball in different places for different options.

Brush passers, some will tell their pass based on where they hover above the ball prior to the pass. Some will only be able to pass one of the options based on the speed of the 'pitch' to the passing man.

Anyways, thats how I know 5row defense. Some are observations, most are things I've heard along the way.

Opinions? Anyone have different methedologies?

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