Moya, Could you forward this note on to the other Vancouver area players so that I can get this problem corrected. Attn: Northwest (well I guess it woud be Southwest to you), players. In particular those of you who are considering attending the WSO tournament or any other Seattle or Portland tournament in the comming year which may be using our Washington-Oregon-Idaho-Vancouver area ratings. I just updated the ratings for this year and got pretty much no input from north of the boarder players. So there may be many of you who might want to attend this tournment who haven't been rated yet. This might make it inconvenient for you to know what events you can play and who your partners could be in the case of events which use the ratings, like Amature, Semi-pro or points limited events. To correct this (Particularly with the WSO fireball tournament happening in couple weeks, please e-mail me your votes). The way we rated players is using a scale of 1-10 we rated players on their Forward skills and Goalie skills separately. All ratings were determined by open community vote. (people e-mailed me thier votes and I averaged the numbers together.) Every year (well at least the last two years anyway), I update the ratings by having a period where people revote on all the players. This produces a much more accurate rating system than the silly USTSA ratings which we then use for local tournaments. Here is the definition of the scale: 1 - Uncoordinated boob 2 - 3 - Low and high rated Beginner (the kind of non-tournament players you find in local bars and recreation centers) 4 - 5 - Low and high rated Rookies (the lowest level of regular tournament players, they're still developing their tournament skills) 6 - 7 - Low and High Semi-pros (these guys think they're pretty good they can pass and shoot consistantly, they're unracable, and very solid in all areas) 8 - 9 - Low and High Pros (these are the players who everyone expects to finish in the money of every local tournament they attend) 10 - Pro Masters - This is the local area Pro-Master rating (which really isn't that far off from the tour pro-master rating....for example the current local pro-masters we have are Eric and Rich Fosner (who are both current tour PMs), Rick Martin (Former world champion), Dave McNeely and Jack Lente - Dave (in the 70's) was widely considered one of the best goalies in the world, and Jack has had impressive tour success lately though I suspect by the points Jack is only a tour pro though that will change if he keeps going to tournaments. Oh and I think Larry Chesbourough is also rated a Pro-Master. (He too is a former tour Pro-Master) I'm not going to correct the US players at this time, but if you participate in the voting next year you can vote on everyone. At any rate please submit e-mailed to me votes ( on the Vancouver area players. Please submit the votes in the following format: Players Name Forward Rating Goalie rating Example: Joe Blow - 5 4 Thanks folks, if I can get a half dozen of you folks to e-mail me votes on your local players I can get them added to the rating list. Just vote on anyone who's skill levels you feel comfortable rating and I will average all the votes together. Several Vancouver players who've attended Seattle area events the last year have already received votes, but there are many players who didn't. Any votes received on players who've gotten US votes will get their votes averaged in with other numbers already received for that player. Thanks. Mike AKA Floppy AKA Floppy-Mike