Topic: Friday the 13th Foos!
Should be down around 7:30'ish
I'll be there tonight too!
BTW, I just put in the results from the last time I was out, July 16 - sorry it took so long.
See ya there, Earl
I'll be there....I don't mind if there isn't a tourny either..i had so much fun on weds without it. CHING CHING BING JOHNNY
What's up with the points? Some fool messing with these or something?
maybe it got reset to the prior points system.. where you don't gain astronomical points or lose.?
what happend
Yeah, I was checking my points and it was 2337 now it 2282 and my masters ranking is now pro. Did anyone change anything, I don't know what you can or cannot do with the control panel, but seems fishy...
Back it up big boy
well someone enter fridays results and see what happens again
who entered the last few tournaments?
I've got Friday's chart but I'm just running out now - I'll enter it tonight for sure.
I went from expert to amateur without playing a tourney in months. I think I lost about 400 points.
All I know is I had some amount of points before this happened and that I probably have some other amount of points after this.
Is the Jordy that showed up Friday the same player as "Jordy Stolearcius" who first played in 2004? Or should I (more likely) use the "?, Jordan" profile that was recently started?
I would suspect that, if you painstakingly go through recent tournaments, you will find one that Jordy played in. Then use whatever Jordy that happens to be. But I digress. What I really wanted to say is that my points are what my points are and I think that is wrong in a right kind of way.
there was lack of players named jeff at foosball tonight, why is that!
This would seem like a good opportunity for me to provide nothing in the way of assistance in moving this conversation forward.
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