I thought I had already done this... maybe I forgot to post it. There has been so much going on recently that I didn't notice...
Anyway this week we did a BYP limited to pro's playing with either someone they have never partnered with before or an AM.
I don't have too much to say about this week, other than that it was a really big battle to the end. I couldn't score on Chad and also Sam played really well in the game we played against them. Without taking anything away from Roger and Christian who played great in the kingseat match and final, I think Sam and Chad were the toughest game for us. It really took Des stepping his game up to a new level of composure for us to win the tournament. Des moved up into the top 15 in points and is closing in on the top 10 now too!
Points Update: Stranks, Will 1431 Dunn, Christian 1389 Edwards, Simon 1294 Penner, Roger 1240 Lawrence, Shane 1228 McDonald, Tom 1174 Burgardt, Garry 1162 Wilkins, Ben 1091 Scaife, Darcy 978 Luft, Carey 970 Myszczyszyn, Tobin 958 Tse, Desmond 941 Trynchuk, Dale 928 Simeon, Jamie 923 Rupertus, Lindsey 920 Johnston, Mike 899 Spencer, Chad 896 Schnieder, Jeff 886 Dick, Matt 882 Smithson, Justin 882 X, Jeff 881 Campbell, Lance 880 Djakovic, Christoff 874 Kippen, Rick 874 So, Albert 870 Humberstone, Paul 869 Kerr, Chris 862 Green, James 857 Deeg, Phil 855 Hopfner, Jordan 854 Wilkins, Sam 852 Kelly, Brad 849 Daly, Ritchie 847 Burrows, Cam 846 x, Tanveer 843 X, Darnel 841 Kimber, Daniel 840 Ustina, Greg 834 x, Ryan 825 Volkman, Dallyn 825 Moir, Zak 824 Taft, Spencer 824 Lehman, Blair 823 Faulkner, Stephanii 822 Wood, Greg 818 Hasiuk, Jody 816 X, Gerald 811 Wong, Felix 811 O''Stream, Don 806 Schiebelbein, Karli 805 C, Erek 803 Bennett, Doug 801 Baayens, Dean 801 Hodinski, Jasmine 801 Ahn, Dave 800