Last night I was in the last group to leave Gateway. Upon leaving, I noticed my leather jacket was missing - in my leather jacket were my car keys. Thank goodness that Roger is such a great guy and drove me home to get my car keys so that I wouldn't be stranded.
There was another brown leather jacket that was left there with also an important item in the pocket - blue zigzags. I am assuming that this was just an unfortunate mistake and whoever left their jacket accidentally took mine. It is a brown leather jacket (with sort of a motorcycle style collar), the brand is Danier. If you have this jacket, please please can you contact me somehow as my wife recently gave this jacket to me. Also, to replace a chip car key is hundreds of dollars.
The jacket that I have is a leather jacket as well - brand is Le Chateau - also has a motorcycle style collar. If this is yours, then I hope you have mine.
On a separate note - there was an iPhone with a cracked screen left behind on the table. There is a motorcylce as the picture when you turn it on. We can't figure out whose it is due to it having a passcode. So if you have the passcode and it's yours, then please arrange to get it back from me. Thanks.