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Just saw that the HOFC was going to be from March 9-13 at the flamingo this year. Are we still planning for this, and how many people are considering going?
The better news is that it is an IFP event now too! IFP rocks. Also it looks like they are combining points too, I home they don`t carry over my IFP points to the HOFC though. I`ll probably go now, those dates are great for me!
Okay, i've check everywhere and can't find any info on this. Could you please provide a link ... thanks.
There was a post about it on Facebook by Tornado Foosball. I don't think there are details elsewhere yet.
Mary sent out an email. The email was about Ohio State, but included the following info:
HIGHEST PLACING BEGINNER, ROOKIE, AMATEUR AND EXPERT IN OPEN SINGLES WILL WIN A HALL OF FAME PACKAGE!! A LITTLE HINT IT WILL BE AN IFP EVENT NEXT YEAR IN VEGAS!!! MARCH 8 - 13, 2011 FLAMINGO HILTON As many new Tornado tables as we need, please reserve your room early so I will know how many tables to set up for this event. This is the last tournament that will offer all the traditional IFP events. A lot of changes are taking place with the IFP PRO TOUR. All this information will be announced soon, its all great I assure you!!!!
From the sounds of recent posts Mary has made and a couple emails, IFP and USTSA are combining points now and events also. Tornado has been asking Mary to run the tournaments they have for a couple years apparently, but Mary said that Tornado gave her a lot of free tables in exchange for her to run her tour on Tornado again, so that is why she switched back. Also she helped run Worlds this year, but with the HOFC becoming an IFP event hopefully every major will be IFP now.
Not sure how this is good news, I don't know many people who take the IFP and their points setup seriously. She caters to rooks and ams which will be the death of Foosball.
I have heard she is abandoning her point system. We'll see what happens, it is kind of lame to make it so hard for pro players to keep playing as she has done, but I think the way she runs a tournament is so much better than everyone else running majors right now that it is still really good news in my opinion
"She caters to rooks and ams which will be the death of Foosball"
You could be right. But this seems to be the way most foosball is run nowadays. In Edmonton, some of the payout for the rookies will come from the pro division. We have to just live with it or not play. Not saying if this is good or bad, it's just the way it goes. Bottom line is there are way more rookies that plug the tables.
Problem is, the rooks were not there at the World's. Where where they and, perhaps more importantly, why were they elsewhere?
"She caters to rooks and ams which will be the death of Foosball."
it's not as if the pros carry the day. they don't.
It's official.
HOFC March 9 - 13 ,2011 flamingo Hilton
Sent from my iPhone. Www. ifptour.com
Count me in on this one. Did some one say road trip?
can't wait to see you again Dave
Edmonton guys and girls, anyone interested in doing some fund raising for the HOF to see if we can subsidize costs a bit before we go?
I have a couple of ideas that just may work!
"it's not as if the pros carry the day. they don't."
I don't know what that means.
Nothing wrong with giving some money from the Pro Division, to the rooks, but their ratio's are off, unless this game is meant to celebrate mediocrity.
That being said, yea, the entry fees for pro's and masters is way out of whack, something needs to be done about that for sure.
"I don't know what that means."
It means, that without rookies et al, all the pros put together could likely do the tournament in Laughlin at Slappy Sally's Casino and Rodeo Grounds on 15 tables in a small banquet room.
They'd also probably get a far better deal on the 'all-you-can-eat prime rib dinner special' than on the strip in Vegas. And better points accumulation on Sally's loyalty program
I'm not sure I agree with you hardboils. At the Worlds this year there were not very many rooks and ams. The vast majority of players seemed to be the pros. This was illustrated by the Pro Am event - when I went to see the "partners wanted" sheet, it was all pros. Not enough ams to go around. So catering to the ams an rooks is NOT working right now, at least not in Dallas.
Hmm. It also speaks to the low turnout that was mentioned this year as well.
Maybe these ratios are the adjustment - and Craig has a good point. My thread hi-jacking needs more practice than my uphill.
At least Slappy Sally's all-you-can-eat seafood buffet is down 18% this year as the reported cause of food-borne illnesses in Laughlin. They're doing good work down there...
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