Topic: Canadian Champion?

Author: Portland Isaac Original Message Posted: Nov 29 2010 4:36PM

It would be really awesome if you guys had a qualifier tourney where you could get 3 doubles teams and 3 singles players qualified for the NW Cup.

The NW Cup will be in Seattle at some point >6months.

There are now 3 Washington teams, 3 Oregon teams, 3 Idaho teams....3 Canadian teams would complete the cycle!

Last year was the first time we did the NW Champions cup...Justin Shaw(OR) and Bob Barnett(OR) won the event. The Champions cup is ran similar to the one we just did...a DYP, OS, OD, No pro, mixed etc etc etc....we just throw in the main event too where the qualified teams from each state face off...winner takes the cup(currently residing in Oregon.)

If someone is interested, Harold Hutchison, Mike Donaldson, or Kathy Brainard are the ones to get in touch with.

P-town USA

Author: Will Reply #1 Posted: Nov 30 2010 12:09AM

I talked to Michael about this at Washington state, but he didn't seem too receptive about Alberta joining into the NW scene - at least in that regard. Maybe try talking to him and see what he thinks, we like coming to your tournaments!

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