Topic: Tuesday Night Event

Author: Will Original Message Posted: Nov 30 2010 2:07AM

I am trying to do a "Super Pro/Am" as soon as I can, with the top 8 or 10 players playing in one event. Essentially the top 5 pro's would draw the 6-10 pro's as partners.

The rest of the players would be in a pro am with 11-15 being the "pro" and 16-20 being the "am" in that event.

Depending on turn out we might do just a "DYP" or a normal pro/am. I also might just be partnering up with a friend of mine that is thinking about getting him into foosball. If anyone ever wants to bring out someone new as a partner feel free to do it, please don't abuse this and bring an awesome partner from another city or something, but if you have a friend you want to introduce to foosball, I will accept that regardless of what event it is that night.

Author: perennial underdog Reply #1 Posted: Nov 30 2010 8:11PM

Bring an awesome partner from another city? Good god,man,

where do you think live,the great state of Texas where,

when they're not having 5 dyp's a week,they seem to grow

their player's in their specially designed hydroponic

foosball farms?!

Author: Darcy Reply #2 Posted: Dec 1 2010 1:37PM

Good night of foose last night!

Cool to see the new guys that came out play so composed in the important games, Garret has made a marked improvement in the short time he's been out and as usual Christian was dominant on the 5 bar (against me anyway). Will's 3 was on fire too, one of these days I'll beat that guy. One of these days...

Anyway good playing everyone, The format was pretty good too. Might want to keep that one in the mix for a while Will!

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