Shall we change to one or two tournaments a month, as the last two weeks noones been out since noone thinks anyone else is goign to show up, suggestions?
Problem with an "every second week" is people start to forget when the tournament is. We tried an every second week Singles quite a few years back and the attendance was worse than when we did every week.
I think the problem is that people are not having fun playing anymore. That is what keeps everyone away (in my opinion). How to fix that is not obvious but I can think of a few things ... but they are pretty obvious.
I was thiiiinking about actually getting out of the house. (This weather is making it almost freaking impossible to want to venture anywhere, but this "waiting til it's time to go to bed" business is drivin me a eensy teensy nutso.)
Sooo...what are the chances of getting a few ppl out for some fun? :p
okie dokie, well guess not..
..seeing I'd have to actually be out of my jammies (which have been on all day) showered and on the road in half an hour. Lol...NOT happening!!
Well it cant get much worse than zero!
Maybe I'll swing by next sunday, i just dont come out anymore cause I cant shoot a rollover, abd a few obvious things, some not so
Maybe we can reserve Sunday's for big tournament warm ups. Kind of like what Seattle does, every month or so, have one big one on Sunday. 20 bucks to enter or so. Mixture of both dyps and byps possibly, or maybe just a double dyp (attendance permitting).
I like that idea, we should enter results of our tournaments too! Lol.
well the site was down for a period of time making entering tournaments somewhat difficult
I know this works for the message board but dunno if it works for entering tournys. Go to calgaryfoos.com the go to the message board for Van
nope because saskfoos hosts our message board, if our site is down, there is no way to access it unfortunately.
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