Since I left, the Vancouver foosball board has now become the Edmonton foosball board.
Maybe next month we can make it the Shanghai Foosball Board?
Freddy ... how you doin'. That's because there's no more foos in Vancouver. It's all dried up like a hermetically sealed raisin placed on Funk & Wagnalls' porch.
Hmmmnnnn, not so fast back pin breath. May a crazed Hawaiian shirt wearing MBA-lawyer guy, use one of Johnny's envelopes to give you "a death of 1,000 paper cuts"!
I figured out the easiest way to get west coast foosball growing again. Pray for the plate tectonic gods to cause BC to plunge into the sea so Alberta is now water front...
But then Tony Tong might become laid back. And Will might actually become "cool".
Maybe I better adjust my prayers!!
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