Topic: Victoria - looking for players
Just moved to Victoria, looking for players for game, home or away
The place to go is here:
The last I heard some players would come out on Fridays - after 8pm. That info is from 2009 though.
Have fun! Earl
I live in Victoria and I am an avid foosball player with lots of experience. would like to play some games anytime, weekends work best for me. Email me at getcarter@shaw.ca
Aaaah, those avid days. I'd like to say I remember them well but the memories are crumbling, like ancient mortar in the bricks of my mind.
Darren avid? Sure, I can see that.
But, trying to picture Tim being "Avid"...
Just not seeing it.
Hmmmnnnnn, maybe Tim thinks "AVID" is an acronym? Acerbic Vapid Incoherent Diabolical
Or, he could be dyslexic and could have read "Avid" as "Diva".
Earl, do you think I'm getting warm here?
Freddy He he he he
If I was a Diva, don't you think I could sing?
As the great Confucius once purportedly said: Foolish Ravings Evoke Disdain
Well doneTim!!!
Ha ha ha...
Dave, I will explain what all these big words mean later...
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