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They have finished the rankings of the players.
Name Forward Goalie Overall Andrew Udell 7 7 7 Ben Wilkins 6 6 6 Christian Dunn 8 8 8 Craig Williams 7 7 7 Dave Ahn 8 6 7 Eric Dunn 10 9 10 Gerry Meister 7 8 7 Jeff Allen 8 8 8 Jeff Schneider 7 7 7 Moya Tielens 9 8 9 Nelson Szeto 7 7 7 Robert Gingell 8 7 8 Simon Edwards 8 8 8 Tim Dudra 8 8 8 Tuan Phan 9 7 8 Will Stranks 8 8 8
That's crap. There is no way that Simon is as bad as me. He's a goggley whores champion.
Tim, as over rated as you are, I should be at least two points below you. How else can I justify my losses.
Ben is definitely the most
Ben gets to play Am again! Awesome.
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