Topic: Corporate Challenge Help
Hey guys, the Corporate Challenge starts this week and as such we're going to need help.
We have a number of volunteers coming from the companies within the Corporate Challenge, so it won't be one of those all-nighters, but these volunteers will be raw.
We'll need some people to help unload tables at 5:30 on Thursday and some leaguers to show the volunteers how to build tables starting at 6. We also need ref's starting at 6 on Friday and 10am on Saturday (anyone from the league can ref, the players will mostly be casual, as will the rules!)
We're doing it at West Edmonton Mall's HMV stage again and we'll have 20 tables for our near 800 players. I encourage everyone to at least stop by and check it out as this will likely be the most concentrated batch of non-foosers playing foosball in Edmonton's history and a great opportunity for the league to showcase itself and what makes our game great.
We need all the help we can get, if you can come help out we'd really appreciate it. Please confirm your attendance to me at darcai@hotmail.com as I'll need to plan out how many leaguers will be there.
Oh, as an added bonus: I'm willing to give tutorials on how to beat Christian Dunn for anyone who comes down to help out!
Christian, should you come down to help out I will teach you to counter all of my tips on how to beat Christian Dunn!
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