Topic: Thursday Night Dukes Results and Points Update
Author: Will |
Original Message
Posted: Sep 30 2011 4:27PM |
Last night we did a DYP at Dukes, we had 6 teams and it ran really smoothly. Honestly it can be really fun having 8 or less teams in a tournament, because the event ends at a decent time and there is a shorter wait between matches too.
A few highlights...
- Garry and Ray beat Darcy and I in the A side, with one crucial point being a bank Ray hit that Garry grabbed on his 3 row and instantly shot a deep off the post push side back pin.
- Ray claims to have hit the winning shot on purpose but I still don't believe him! Either way both Ray and Garry played great in both matches that we played against them
- Ben and Des vs Dan and Will (I was on 2 teams), Ben was epic on his 5 row. Near perfection with the ball, and didn't drop anything. Des obviously saw that because he cleared pretty much every time.
- Conrad scored pretty much every shot he took in the entire tournament. If his 5 gets consistent he will be virtually unstoppable, just a couple too many possessions lost in this tournament.
- Tom was a machine - playing front and back at different times. Blocked well and scored well from his 2 row.
- Darcy playing back for me - he passed incredibly. It was the difference maker in the end, and the reason we won the tournament.
Results: 1st Darcy and Will 2nd Ben and Des 3rd Garry and Ray
Points Update: Dunn, Christian 1590 Edwards, Simon 1570 Stranks, Will 1563 Wilkins, Ben 1328 Burgardt, Garry 1317 Lawrence, Shane 1249 McDonald, Tom 1239 Scaife, Darcy 1237 Penner, Roger 1123 Luft, Carey 1074 Myszczyszyn, Tobin 994 Simeon, Jamie 978 Kwan, Conrad 964 Kerr, Chris 950 Gish, Brian 946 Smithson, Justin 946 Rupertus, Lindsey 934 Trynchuk, Dale 925 Jones, Darrel 922 Wilkins, Sam 920 Rowein, Devin 918 Kimber, Daniel 916 Tse, Desmond 915 Johnston, Mike 911 Daly, Ritchie 902 Robichaud, Ray 900 L, Tony 899 Demelo, Ivor 898 Phenix, Garret 895 La, Ed 891 Burrows, Cam 887 Schnieder, Jeff 887 Dick, Matt 882 Campbell, Lance 880 Jones, Carlie 875 Kippen, Rick 874 T, Jeff 872 Perira, Carlos 871 Spencer, Chad 870 So, Albert 870 Karmis, Pete 870 Karmis, Ang 870 Goin, Jake 868 X, Paul 866 Nasir, Uzair 865 Green, James 859 Deeg, Phil 855 Gallant, Chris 854 L, Gerald 854 Hopfner, Jordan 854 Belchamber, Mike 853 Kelly, Brad 849 Dacruz, Paul 846 X, Darnel 841 Blair, Scott 840 Jordan, Darren 837 x, Bob 836 Marner, Danny 832 Szajko, Rob 830 Humberstone, Paul 825 Taft, Spencer 824 Lehman, Blair 823 Volkman, Dallyn 822 Faulkner, Stephanii 822 Wood, Greg 818 Djakovic, Christoff 816 X, Corey 815 Thompson, Ray 815 Fylick, Michael 813 Crockett!!, Ben 812 X, Elliot 812 Campbell, Carmen 812 Wong, Felix 811 W, Garret 809 Gibson, katy 809 Procaccini, Tony 808 Hugenschmidt, Colin 807 Moses, Kevin 807 Phillips, Mike 806 O''Stream, Don 806 M, Judah 804 C, Erek 803 Hasiuk, Jody 803 K, Mike 803 Moir, Zak 803 X, Jarrell 802 Hodinski, Jasmine 801 Bennett, Doug 801 Baayens, Dean 801 x, Toby 801
The next tournament we are having is Tuesday at Time Out, you get to pick a partner yourself! Either plan ahead or just partner up with someone on tournament night! See you Tuesday!
Awesome night of foos at Dukes. The number of people was perfect, it seemed to go very smoothly. Had a great time as always. Oh and yes that was a planned shot, need to work on it more though because only hit it about 50% of time right now. Setup for center bank, go to push with far man, and cut back on strait to net. Thats what I love about this game is that there is always somehting new to learn and it seems that even the very best players still try to improve on their skills.
Heads up for halloween bash on Friday Oct 28th at my house. Just picked up 2 sets of fooslights, got 5 total pinball machines all working, and airhockey. Going to be a great time. Everyone welcome. Hope you can join us. Will post on board later.
"Oh and yes that was a planned shot, need to work on it more though because only hit it about 50% of time right now. Setup for center bank, go to push with far man, and cut back on strait to net."
Ok... I did say that I would NEVER believe that shot was on purpose... but if you say you can hit it 50% you can probably convince me. I'll give you 10 shots at it, if you hit more than 3 I'll believe you. If you hit 5 I'll buy you a beer!
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