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So.. You are not a fan of spaghetti rods and ball bearings? Or weak cabinets and using coasters to level your table?
Fireball is so much better than that table, even the lowest end Fireball is a much better table than that!
seemed to have ruffled some feathers here Just posting a comment there is a Tornado at Costco. I never said it was better. Chill dude.
Simon I don't think any of the Tornado hate was pointed at you... Thanks for the link. It is pretty cool that Costco is selling that instead of the POS tables that they have always sold in the past. It would be great if someone could find a way to slip an instructional DVD or tournament flier into all the boxes...
That is pretty cool. I hope it does well.
I don't play foos, I play Tornado.
Nick,though you are a friendly fellow and an eager and competitive foosballer,you have revealed yourself,sir!!Gasp!,your a republican!
P.S.Just kidding,hope to see you soon,Nick.
Seems all you get these days is hand rubbed
I'm actually an independent, who happened to vote for Obama, so I guess it's my fault.
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