We had 16 players for a full 8 team chart last night, and we did a High/Low event (highest total points plays with lowest total points, 2nd highest with 2nd lowest etc) to make sure we had as fair of a tournament as possible.
Chad and Bob were really strong in the first two matches, taking out a pre-tournament favourite in Ben and Maria. Chad's stellar play week in and week out has now propelled him into the top 10.
Chris and Kyle were partnered up, and had some epic matches with myself and Chris's friend Scott who was out for his first tournament. We played a total of 3 matches including the finals, and each match went to 3 games. I love the tournaments that have 9 game's against the same team. Anyway we both 5-0'd the each other's teams at one point, and had 5-4 games with shots to win both ways several times. In the end we came out on top in a really hard fought battle.
1st Will and Scott 2nd Chris and Kyle 3rd Chad and Bob
Points Update: 1 Stranks, Will 1716 2 Edwards, Simon 1545 3 Dunn, Christian 1536 4 Wilkins, Ben 1360 5 Scaife, Darcy 1230 6 Kerr, Chris 1209 7 Burgardt, Garry 1188 8 Kwan, Conrad 1121 9 Tse, Desmond 1076 10 Spencer, Chad 1059 Robichaud, Ray 1050 Luft, Carey 1050 Simeon, Jamie 1031 Wilkins, Sam 1029 Myszczyszyn, Tobin 1021 Burrows, Cam 970 Daly, Ritchie 963 Smithson, Justin 946 Rupertus, Lindsey 936 Gish, Brian 932 Trynchuk, Dale 925 Humberstone, Paul 922 Kimber, Daniel 920 Rowein, Devin 918 Pereira, Carlos 917 Jones, Darrel 916 Bozman, Kieran 914 Johnston, Mike 912 Bombak, Taras 911 L, Tony 899 Demelo, Ivor 898 Gallant, Chris 896 Schnieder, Jeff 887 Jars-a-lot, Bob 885 Dick, Matt 882 Campbell, Lance 880 Kippen, Rick 874 Bombak, Marco 871 T, Jeff 870 So, Albert 870 Jones, Carlie 869 Goin, Jake 868 Phenix, Garret 867 X, Paul 866 Nasir, Uzair 865 L, Gerald 860 Green, James 859 Wells, Kyle 857 Deeg, Phil 855 Hopfner, Jordan 854 Belchamber, Mike 853 Jones, Patrick 849 Kelly, Brad 849 Dacruz, Paul 846 Cabay, Codie 845 Roberts, Bill 844 X, Darnel 841 Blair, Scott 840 Jordan, Darren 837 Karmis, Pete 835 Marner, Danny 832 x, Liane 832 X, Eric 830 Szajko, Rob 830 X, Elliot 830 Chan, Ed 830 X, Ahmad 828 X, Scott 826 Schiebelbein, Karli 825 x, Ryan 825 Monson, Steve 824 Taft, Spencer 824 Lehman, Blair 823 Volkman, Dallyn 822 Faulkner, Stephanii 822 Wood, Greg 818 Wong, Felix 818 Djakovic, Christoff 816 X, Corey 815 Thompson, Ray 815 Forsythe, Joel 809 Gibson, katy 809 W, Garret 809 Jamerson, Rick 808 Procaccini, Tony 808 X, Sam 807 X, Billy 807 Hugenschmidt, Colin 807 Moses, Kevin 807 Phillips, Mike 806 O''Stream, Don 806 M, Judah 804 C, Erek 803 Hasiuk, Jody 803 K, Mike 803 Kwan, Maria 803 Moir, Zak 803 X, Jarrell 802 Hodinski, Jasmine 801 Bennett, Doug 801 Baayens, Dean 801 Crockett!!, Ben 800 Fylick, Michael 800 Campbell, Carmen 800 Mothersell, Scott 800 x, Tanveer 800 Lee, Travis 800 Macdonald, Jon 800 Nielsen, Shane 800 Carson, Albert 800 x, Jason 800 L, Aaron 800 Lalonde, Patrick 800 x, Toby 800 Robichaud, Candace 800 Yeoung, James 800 Wong, Joshua 800 Delorne, Dan 800 X, Bruce 800 Nguyen, Peter 800 Hewson, Craig 800 Coloma, Mike 800 Gibson, Eric 800 X, Dan 800 yy, Andrea 800 King, Ryan 800 yy, Dennis 800 Nguyen, Dan 800 Castillo, Jonathan 800 Fester, David 800 Morvis, Mike 800 x, Janine 800 x, Andrew 800 spencer, jay 800 Jackson, Dan 800 Morvis, Josh 800 Crawford, Adam 800