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Topic: Updates to database

Author: Taha Original Message Posted: Apr 3 2007 10:04AM

Following our first sanctioned tournament in Ottawa, and in anticipation of more tournaments to come, it appears we need to update our player list database.

Since we will have players that live in the US that attend Canadian tournaments, they will also have to pay the 5$ registration fee. However, this fee only entitles them to be entered into our player list and rankings system. It does not allow them to vote or have other priveleges that our Canadian members have. Does this sound reasonable ? If so, we would need to update our registration page to allow for nont-Canadians.

In addition, we allow players to register by filling out a form and hanging it in to a TSAC executive member. I have a bunch of registration forms from the last Ottawa tournament, with another tournament in a month, where we anticipate even more paper registrations. If I entered their information, they would receive confirmation emails. Is this what we want ? or do we want them to just be entered without a hassle ? I would prefer we find a way to enter them directly into the database so they dont get the confirmation email. The purpose of the confirmation is to make sure this is a real person. Since these people participated in a tournament, we know theyre real people.

We also need to add a viewable field to the database that tells us whether a player has paid for the current fiscal year.

What does everyone think?

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