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Topic: Ideas for National Champions 2008

Author: Taha Original Message Posted: Nov 7 2007 2:31PM

Hi everyone..

I'd like to start thinking about how we're going to name our 2008 National Champions and I need ideas. I have some ideas, but everything is complicated by the distances in Canada and the fact that there is little travel between regions in Canada (to Canadian tournaments.. which are dwindling). Money is another issue. Whoever gets named has to pay their own way.. we'd like to be able to raise enough money to at least pay part of the trip for the winner.

1- We could designate one Canadian tournament where the highest Canadian finisher in Open singles and the highest all-Canadian team in Open doubles are the champs. In order to be considered for either one, you'd have to pay 50$ (ontop of your entry fees). So if you have 5 people who want to vie for the singles champ position, the 250$ that is collected from them will be given to the champs (ontop of what they win at the tournament) to help the costs of going to italy. Same thing for doubles.

2- We could run a mini-tournament at one of the big tournaments like Kentucky, the US Open or Worlds. Same deal as above. big entry fee, all money to the winners.

3- We could have like a Canadian tour. I haven't seen an advertised tournament out west for a while, but in Ottawa they have 2 5-granders a year plus about 2 more one-day events. The AQBB is going to have 4 2-3 granders next year. You accumulate points by going to TSAC-sanctioned tournaments and placing in OS and OD. In the end, the highest finishers in singles and doubles points are named national champs. Maybe could also add a 5$ fee to each tournament for people who would like their finishes to count for 'national champ points' (hey we have to get the money from somewhere).

4- To solve the money issue, we could try to find sponsors. But to do this we need presentation materials, and I'm not good at this.

I'm just throwing ideas out there and seeing what people think

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