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Topic: which table to buy?

Author: steven_s Original Message Posted: Dec 14 2007 1:49AM

Since i'm in toronto, i currently own a FABI table. I'm looking to buy a tornado table, which i know isn't used in ontario, but certainly in other provinces such as sk and bc. i'm wondering if there is a difference in terms of game play (in all aspects such as feel, bendability of rods, speeds, playing surface, etc) between the tornado t2000/t5 and the tornado whirlwind. i know the rods are made from different levels of steel and the bushings are different, but i'm wondering if that will affect the game that much more, keeping in mind i just play for fun and am looking to develop skill beyond what i can do on a fabi. thanks in advance!

Author: Will Reply #1 Posted: Dec 17 2007 7:47PM

The feel is very similar, certainly it will be better practice than playing on a different table. if any upgrade it should be to the storm II because of the leveling device which is much improved, but even that isn't too important if you can keep your table in the same spot all the time. I wouldn't be able to tell you instantly the difference between how the T-5 feels and the storm II, however the whirlwind I can notice. Either way the most important thing it to take good care of it and keep the bars strait by not leaning on them hard.

Author: steven_s Reply #2 Posted: Dec 18 2007 10:13PM

hey thanks for the reply. have you played on a fabi table before? if so could you tell me what significant differences you notice between that and a tornado table (other than the fact fabi's are meant for fastplay). and between the storm II and whirlwind, what are the differences you notice between those. levelling is not a problem for me.

Author: Will Reply #3 Posted: Dec 19 2007 3:20PM

I haven't played on a fabi before, I played on both a storm II and a whirlwind yesterday. The major difference is that the Storm II has counterbalanced men, this is important because you can leave your 5 bar in a position so that it stays up, on the whirlwind the men drop to the bottom so that they block your own defensive clearances. You can still balance them if they are strait up, but they cant sit horizontal which is prefferable and easier to do. Either way I would choose tornado over Fabi, because I find that it is the table most commonly used around here. You should go into a store (you may have a local dealer with some set up) and play on the whirlwind and see if it feels good enough. Let me know what you decide to go with too because I am interested.

Author: steven_s Reply #4 Posted: Dec 19 2007 8:47PM

hey, thanks for all the advice. just one more question before i decide whether to sell my fabi and go with whirlwind, or sell my fabi and wait to save up for a storm. can counter balanced men be purchased and switched onto the whirlwind?

Author: uknowit Reply #5 Posted: Dec 19 2007 9:17PM

Hi Steve, My name is Mario i am a player out in Toronto. I used to play on fabi. I made the transition about 6 years ago.

I would get a T2000 or even a new coin up. If you can wait. You can get it for $1200. They sell them at tournaments in the USA. In Syracuse. They are the tournament table. That Table will be with you for Life no matter how hard you play on it. You will always have good resale value on it too. If you decide to sell it one day. Cause they look nice.

. can counter balanced men be purchased and switched onto the whirlwind?

Yes they can. You will be paying $8 each player. I dont think that its worth it.

Mario Ariganello

Author: steven_s Reply #6 Posted: Dec 20 2007 1:32AM

hey mario, thanks for the advice. i may end up with a storm II, depending on my funds. Seeing in how you're in Toronto, do you know any places that have tornado tables to play on? everywhere i go have fabi tables.

Author: Will Reply #7 Posted: Dec 20 2007 4:48PM

Yes the T2000 is great, even an F5 which is the new replacement for the T2000 could be cheap enough to purchase, however if you never plan on playing in tournaments(and you should plan on it) then a storm II would do the trick. you said "keeping in mind i just play for fun" so I think you don't want to spend the extra couple hundred dollars to get the thicker bars, better cabinet, better bearings, and a better playing surface.

Also keep in mind that resale value on a t2000 of F5 or Cyclone II would be way better than on a storm or whirlwind, because people that play in tournaments don't want a storm or whirlwind, and they are the people willing to buy expensive tables. Also a Cyclone or better will last longer due to the thicker cabinet and thicker bars.
Hope it helps.

Author: steven_s Reply #8 Posted: Dec 20 2007 7:39PM

hey will, thanks for the advice. i'm in ontario so it's really hard for me to find a tornado retailer. would anyone here be willing to help me look for retailers in ontario (perferably the greater toronto area) for tornado tables, new or used? the way things are looking, unless i find a great deal i'll have to end up with a storm :(

Author: steven_s Reply #9 Posted: Dec 20 2007 9:16PM

lol good news guys. in less than 24 hours from posting my fabi table on kijiji and craigslist, i sold the table for my complete asking price. AND!!! looks like i'll be getting a t2000! a retailer is selling 2 of them at 800+tax each so that's definitly worth it's price. can't believe it's that low. it's coin-op too. so i'm gonna check it out tomorrow and let you guys know!

Author: steven_s Reply #10 Posted: Dec 24 2007 11:42AM

so i'm picking up my t2000 today! finally. i have a few questions regarding maintenance and i'd really appreciate some help and advice.
1) to clean the playing surface what can i use? is it just soap and water? i've read 60% alcohol should be used.
2) how do i take out the 2 piece bearing and how do i know when it needs to be replaced?

Thanks in advance!

Author: Aged Whine & Cheese Reply #11 Posted: Dec 24 2007 6:37PM

I just use water and a paper towel on the surface - a little bit of elbow grease will take off any dirt on there.

The bearings last pretty well - you just unwind the outside part and it comes apart pretty easily - you'll see once you get the table (it should come with a bearing wrench of sorts - look for a cheap hexagonally shaped bar of metal).

Bearings don't wear out very often, especially if you are using it in your home. I've only replaced mine a few times and I've had my table for over 20 years.

Author: koda Reply #12 Posted: Dec 28 2007 6:46PM

i got a foosbal table from costco.its all wood.
is it good?
plz reply

Author: Aged Whine & Cheese Reply #13 Posted: Dec 29 2007 9:15PM

I've looked at the Costco tables and they seem reasonably well built. However, I have never played on one nor have I any knowledge regarding how well they last. They likely won't play the same as any of the official ITSF foosball tables but, if you just want to have some fun with friends and/or co-workers, the table seems OK. I suspect the Costco table is better than the Roberto Sport or some of the other poorly built tables being sold.

Author: Fred Reply #14 Posted: Dec 30 2007 9:49AM

I will reply to your questions from the other thread here since the other thread is not about table choices.

Canadian Amusement Games sell tables and men. should tell you their address and phone number. They are on Thunderbird Avenue in Burnaby just off Lougheed and a few minutes away from Costco.

Having said that I do not know what the rod diameter and distance from the rod to the playing surface is so not sure if the men will fit and will not break due to an improper height. You might try it with a few men first to see. You should also pick up some Tornado balls as that is pretty crucial as well.

Not sure what table dimensions should be or what they are on your table.

You should come out to one of the events and see if one of the better players will take a little while to show you some of the techniques.

Good luck.

Author: koda Reply #15 Posted: Dec 30 2007 4:46PM

what thread??

Author: steven_s Reply #16 Posted: Dec 31 2007 11:20AM

hey hey hey, don't bash on roberto sport :P i like them and afterall they are official ITSF tables

Author: Kenny Reply #17 Posted: Jan 1 2008 2:35AM

does anyone know where to buy the cheapest Fabi home table in Toronto//GTA?

Author: steven_s Reply #18 Posted: Jan 1 2008 2:52PM

brand new is about 725-750 before tax. i'm sure sales are over by now. i just sold my fabi in the GTA and got a tornado. i think you should check out roberto sport before fabi IMO.

Author: Aged Whine & Cheese Reply #19 Posted: Jan 1 2008 5:14PM

I bash the Roberto Sport because my former employer bought one and put it in the lunch room - it was the worst piece of junk. Table surface was warped within months, the thing was so light that if I shot push kicks for a game, the recoil would rotate the table a full 90 degrees. Ball control with the big, untextured block feet was frightful. I suppose the good thing to say about it was that it was a great equalizer, allowing raw rookies to compete favourably with more experienced players since all that one could consistently do on the table was blindly whack at the ball and hope for slop.

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