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Topic: Still need to raise 500 Euro

Author: foosghost Original Message Posted: Jan 8 2008 5:34AM

I can't continue the previous thread, as its more than 30 days old. So

We need to figure out how we're going to raise the 500 Euro to pay for the ITSF Membership fee for 2008.

Options i can think of so far:
1. Allow people to make donations
2. start membership drive - where each registered player pays a certain amount
3. get sponsorships
4. organize tournaments where we attempt to raise money from entry fees. i series of qualifiers for a national championships makes sense to me.

there has to be other ways we can raise money.. anyone else have any other ideas?

I'm willing to pay for the dues upfront, but would need a plan in place before i'd be willing to do that.

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