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Topic: Tuesday Night Warrior Tourney in Edmonton
Author: Will |
Original Message
Posted: Dec 29 2008 6:17PM |
Tuesday Dec. 30 Tournament on Warrior at my friends Foosball Garage.
This is not a weekly tournament, and we are just feeling out how many people would show up.
The garage is located in sherwood park, behind a house on a residential street.
Email me for directions, EVERYONE is welcome to come, no matter how good or bad you are, the tournament will be primarily rookies, Draw Your Partner, and not handicapped.
$5 dollar entry fee, complete payouts, only 1 table avaliable and it is on free play(obviously, warrior doesn't make a coin op) Post any questions or email me for the address will_stranks@hotmail.com
I'll most likely be in attendance for this event. Roger Shane ppls u best be there too.
I'll go if Christian goes. I need someone there I can beat!
Simon - the new tornado balls came in today, i'll bring yours tomorrow too.
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