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Topic: Poll for Trophies vs Cash payout
Author: BriL |
Original Message
Posted: Apr 14 2009 4:24PM |
We put a poll up on http://www.calgaryfoos.com/ on trophies vs cash for the tournament at Juliet's castle. Please go ahead and vote, once only.
20 Votes so far. Is there a trend starting?
If you're not going to give trophies I suggest that only first place gets paid 100% so that at least there is something worthwhile on the line.
"If you're not going to give trophies I suggest that only first place gets paid 100% so that at least there is something worthwhile on the line.'
Oh yeah
If you're not going to give trophies I suggest that nobody gets any money and we give it all to a worthwhile charity, like the BACKPIN SOCIETY OF CANADA!!!
The majority of players have indicated their preference for trophies. We will purchase them for 1st, 2nd and 3rd for the no pro and open, singles and doubles events.
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