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Topic: iRefFoos iPhone app preview

Author: foosghost Original Message Posted: Aug 10 2009 5:25AM

I've built a little iPhone app that allow a ref to easily ref a game of foos.

Has 10 and 15 seconds count down timers, keeps track of resets, time outs and goals scored, and who has serve.

This is my first app, so let me know what you think, or what other functions i should add to it.

I'm likely to sell it on the app store for $1, or free, and maybe build a better more pro version, that might include the ITSF rules, and various other nice to have's.

Here's the preview

Author: RezaREX Reply #1 Posted: Aug 10 2009 10:43AM

Sweet app Eric. Who knows maybe one day it could be the official timing method considering how pretty much EVERYONE has an iPhone/iPod touch these days.

On that note since I have an HTC Dream is there any hope of a port to the android platform?? I'd love to be able to use this as well.

Author: S. Edwards Reply #2 Posted: Aug 10 2009 11:10AM

I like it. Maybe a shut the phone function off button so you don't have to go into your settings and have it auto turn back on once the app is closed?

Author: Nelson Reply #3 Posted: Aug 10 2009 11:43AM

Hi Eric,

Nice app. Two things. It would be nice if the timer changed to a 5 second countdown after someone scores because it appears to just continue counting down after u score a goal. Also I believe the time to change sides after u hit "New Game" should be 90 seconds.

Author: domi nate Reply #4 Posted: Aug 10 2009 1:37PM

Another cool app (completely unrelated to foosball) that may one day be available for iphone.

Author: foosghost Reply #5 Posted: Aug 10 2009 2:31PM

Simon, good point, i'll see what i can do. Also considering remember all the settings incase you have to leave the app, and come back. (maybe v2) i'd hate to turn off the phone, only to have my app crash, and and not turn the phone back on. lol

Nelson, yea i thought of the 5 second thing, but it went by way to quick - and the phone would be vibrating (due to expired time) after every goal - hmm maybe i could not vibrate when that time expires. Yea i'll do that. thanks!

Good catch on the 90 seconds. i forgot about that.

Andriod: hmmmm hopefully there's some good porting utils out there. once i do something once, i'm too lazy to do it again. so i'm not likely going to rewrite it in java (or whatever andriod's apps are written in)

Author: S. Edwards Reply #6 Posted: Aug 10 2009 2:56PM

maybe have it switch to airplane mode?

Author: foosghost Reply #7 Posted: Aug 10 2009 5:03PM

good idea. that way they can turn it back on, if i do happen to crash.

Author: domi nate Reply #8 Posted: Aug 10 2009 5:28PM

Use the iphone's gyros to detect jarring. Just have to set it on the wood. I imagine that'd be complicated to incorporate. Contact brierwood design for assistance.

Author: foosghost Reply #9 Posted: Aug 10 2009 6:29PM

yea actually the jarring thing is what prompted me to build my own app, but kind of in a negative way.

Someone else recently posted a vid to youtube about their new iPhone app that was going to the app store, and it did just the 15 10 sec count down thing, and it had a jarring sensor.

Which I thought to myself, "no ref in their right mind would ever use that - the guy who made this app knows nothing about reffing foosball, i'm going to build one myself." - so i went out and bought a mac mini, and learned out how do iPhone app development.

cause its only a jar if it effects play - and that's totally a judgment thing, and you have to see it to call it, sometimes the table totally gets rocked, but it doesnt effect play, so you don't call it. Other times, its a simple bump, that slightly effected the table, but caused someone to not grab a loose ball.

so no, you won't see a jar sensor in my app any time soon.

Author: S. Edwards Reply #10 Posted: Aug 10 2009 11:20PM

The app could let you know there was a "possible" jarring infraction. The ref could still decide to call it or not.

"jarring, sliding, or lifting of the table while the ball is in play is illegal. Whether or not the table jarring is done intentionally is of no consequence. It is not necessary for a player to lose the ball for jarring to be called on his opponent."

Eric, "A jar is only called if it effects play." Did they change this?

Author: Kent Reply #11 Posted: Aug 11 2009 10:25AM

Cool app. I looked at that other app as well which is more focused on jarring. I think the jarring feature would be nice to have as well in a future release.

Keep up the good work. I like what I have seen so far and it sure seams to beat a stopwatch.

Author: Asian Sensation Reply #12 Posted: Aug 11 2009 5:39PM

Nice Work Eric, keep it up!

Author: foosghost Reply #13 Posted: Aug 11 2009 8:41PM

Simon, no the rule has not changed in the rule book, that's just the way its called most of the time.

Yes a ref CAN call a jar when anyone bumps the table at any time. Even if it did not effect play. But refs never do - at least pro refs. In the big matches, all players are going at it hard, and there's no need to stop play every time someone bumps the table, especially if play was not effected.

I've only seen a jar-no-loss-of-ball called for flagrant jarring - like the guy was having a fit.

Author: foosghost Reply #14 Posted: Aug 16 2009 8:47PM

I've made quite a few changes, and posted the app to the app store as iRefFoos. It'll probably be a couple of weeks until its generally available.

It's going to be free to download. I've tested it on my iphone and it works great. If you like, hit me up at worlds, and i can show it to you.

Here's a new video of most of the new functionality.

New things i've added.

15 and 10 second count-down timers flash different colors, so you know when you've actually pressed the button - this allows you to use your peripheral vision to know the restart took, without missing the play.

90 second count down timer between games.

5 second count-down timer starts when goal is scored. - but does not vibrate when time expires.

Reset Technical - alerts you with vibrate and red message.

Remembers all current game settings if you leave the app.

Double check on pressing the new game button

Goals will roll over back to 0 if goals scored > 8 and they're leading by more than 2 (this is a temporary thing for now, until i get a better way to fix a mistaken goal scored button press).

Reset buttons only active/visible when timers are counting down to avoid mistaken button presses.

oh, and i found out that ipods no matter what version cannot vibrate - so they'll have to just watch out for the red flash to know when time expires.

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