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Topic: Warrior Tournaments in Canada

Author: Will Original Message Posted: Dec 8 2009 8:25PM

Independent Foosball Promotions (IFP) has announced that thay are letting local promoters run tournaments through IFP - using there software and tables etc.

I spoke with Mary Moore about this at Worlds this year and was very excited at the possibility of running a tour in Canada (western at least) this year. It is WAY more possible to do this on Warrior tables than on Tornado...

What are peoples thoughts of playing on IFP events in Canada...
If there was 4 events in Western Canada in 2010 would you be interested in attending them all? Or some?

Would the Warrior table make you more interested in attending or less interested?

Are other people interested in running events in Vancouver/Calgary/Regina instead of me?

Nothing is set in stone I am just feeling it out here, let me know your thoughts everyone!

Author: C.A.L. Reply #1 Posted: Dec 8 2009 8:36PM

I would make efforts to attend these Warrior Table Soccer Tournaments in Edmonton or Calgary.

By the general play of the Warrior compared to the Tornado, I would be open to Warrior more than Tornado.

Hopefully any new Warrior rendition of their latest table will inspire more players to try it out on a regular basis.

Author: The Next One. Reply #2 Posted: Dec 9 2009 12:49AM

Will they be the new models Will?

Author: foosghost Reply #3 Posted: Dec 9 2009 1:14PM

I prefer tornado. But as usual would support larger candian events if I have the time.

Author: Will Reply #4 Posted: Dec 9 2009 2:58PM

They would be brand new tables, not that anyone (including Mary, Ryan, and Brendan) knows which exact table they will be using. They have kind of made small updates to the tables probably 5 or 6 times, making small improvements or setbacks each time.

They will have the Blue and Red men, and be more solid than the first shipment they had, thats all I know for sure.

They won't be coin op tables, we would be able to give away lots of tables for prizes, and we would be using IFP Points.

Author: The Next One. Reply #5 Posted: Dec 9 2009 3:01PM

ok thanks, one more question, are the net sizes the same as tornado finally now?

Author: Will Reply #6 Posted: Dec 9 2009 4:27PM

As far as I know they are still 1/16 of an inch smaller?

I don't know if you have ever played on warrior, but that is the least of your worries switching between the two tables.

Really Warrior and Tornado are very similar, but Warrior is easier to catch/control the ball and is built a lot less solid, and has heavy rods which sometimes mess with pull shooters arms.

Other than that not much to worry about, if you spend a couple hours on a table you will feel very comfortable. And have a lot of fun, I actually think it is maybe more fun to play on warrior, but I still prefer Tornado because of build quality at this point.

Both tables are great, and I would obviously play any tournament on either table if its affordable for me to go.

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