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Topic: The Pathmark Games Foosball Open - WEM

Author: Will Original Message Posted: Mar 18 2010 7:25PM

The Pathmark Games Foosball Open will be taking place at West Edmonton Mall on March 27-28, 2010.

Sonic 102.9 has picked up the tournament as one of the special events on there yearly calender - they will be doing a large campaign over the next week and a bit to promote the tournament. They are also giving away a Warrior table on air at some point during the event.

Gateway Entertainment Center has also come on board as a sponsor, as well as of course the Edmonton Foosball League which runs on Tuesday Nights at Gateway Entertainment Center starting at 7:30 pm every week.

There will be a steep increase in hits on and this message board too - so lets be positive about what is sure to be a lot of players first tournament.

There will be a ton of new players coming out to this event because of this and other promotions we are doing in Edmonton - we have to limit players to playing only one rank and open. If you are a rookie you can choose to play semi-pro instead, but no one can play beginner, rookie, semi, and open events.

On Friday the 26th we will be having a pretournament party and Draw Your Partner event. This DYP will start at 8:00 and cost $5. The DYP will be running on 4 Warrior tables - but there will be extra Tornado tables avaliable to play on if people are interested in that.

I want everyone to know that there will not be much practice time avaliable to players as soon as we are in the mall. With only 8 tables, we will have events running on all tables at all times - also because there are hundreds of people in the mall they will be interested in finding some table time too, so no one will really be able to just practice on a table alone.

If you want to find some practice time come early to the DYP, we will get the tables to Gateway as early as possible on Friday the 26th. Hopefully I can elaborate further once we are closer to the date - I'm not sure exactly what time we will get there.

In Open events we will be running the event similar to how The World Championships and the Hall of Fame Classic run the events. If you are a Pro Master ranked player or a top Pro you will be one of the top 16 or top 32 seeds(depending on the amount of registrants we have). We will qualify everyone else in standard double elimination format until there are only 16 or 32 players left and then run the bracket. If we have a lot of players all games will be best 2/3 until the money rounds which are the last few games in the tournament.

Beginnner, Rookie, and Semi-pro events will be 2/3 on the A side and race to 7 on the B side.

We are still working out a hotel deal, but as you can tell I have been really busy working on these sponsorship/advertising deals.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to email me at or call my cell at 780-231-6446

I love to hear from players and appreciate any email regarding foosball so get in touch with me!

Author: Will Reply #1 Posted: Mar 18 2010 7:38PM

Also if anyone is interested in purchasing Warrior tables after the tournament Pathmark Games is selling Warrior foosball tables, the official table if the International Foosball Tour.

Author: Dylan Reply #2 Posted: Mar 21 2010 6:21PM

Any news on a hotel deal?

Author: S. Edwards Reply #3 Posted: Apr 2 2010 11:17PM

"They are also giving away a Warrior table on air at some point during the event."

Who won the table?

Author: Will Reply #4 Posted: Apr 4 2010 5:17PM

I'm not sure who won the table, but they had over 4200 entries for the table. When we were talking before they said 1000 entries was really high, and they were amazed at the reaction they got from the public about talking about foosball on air. They also said they are really willing to work with us on having more promotions in the future.

Author: C.A.L. Reply #5 Posted: Apr 5 2010 5:09PM

4200 entries from just one week of promotion ?

Are these phone-in entires or people ballot stuffing a entry ticket at the mall ? Either way that would be 500 entries per day if just a week of promo. That IS really high.

Just one percent of the entry total is 42, should there be just 5 new players to come out to a weekly DYP would be a large potential for increase in the weekly group.

Which means MORE tables will be needed eventually ...

Turns out the W.E.M. location has a lot of Draw power.

Author: Will Reply #6 Posted: Apr 6 2010 1:41AM

4200 entries, people can "purchase" an entry if they gave 1000 "Sonic Points". No one could stuff entries at the mall, all the points were spent online. People gain sonic points by filling out surveys and hearing the "word of the day" on the radio...

The advertising was paid for by pathmark games and gateway, so most of the advertising was used on them, not the weekly DYP. We probably won't see too much of an increase out of this advertising, but it did direct people to so maybe a few more each week. I have been getting about 20 emails a week for about 3 weeks now so maybe!

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