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Topic: Explanation of Foosball Rankings in Canada

Author: Will Original Message Posted: Mar 18 2010 7:54PM

There are different ranks of foosball players in Canada.

Everyone starts off ranked "Beginner". If you have never played in an official tournament before then you are a beginner, even if you are a really good player.

Once you have played in an event, you might be reranked. If you are a really good player you will be bumped up. I don't know if anyone has skipped past the rookie rank entirely before, although some players that got really good really fast played only 1 tournament ranked rookie also. If you win the "rookie" division or place really high a few times you will be moved up to "semi-pro".

If you do really well in SemiPro a few times you can become a pro, then once you start winning "Open" events you could become ranked Pro-Master.

In the US they have a seperate ranking system, it is a tougher ranking system and it is even harder to become a pro-master by there ranks. You need to be truly one of the top players in the world to become a pro-master.

Eric Dunn, Mario Ariganello, and Kane Gabriel are the only Canadian Men ranked Pro-Master in the American ranks. Moya Tielens is a Pro-Master and multi-time World Champion women from BC also.

Hopefully this answers some of the questions I have recieved about how the ranking works in Canada, again, if you have never played in a tournament before then you get to play in the "beginner" category for this tournament. Once you start working your way up the ranks maybe you will be one of the "Seeded" players in the open events of the future, and start winning some decent cash too!

Last year at Canadian Nationals in Edmonton Tony Spredeman won almost $3,000 in one weekend. If you want to know what it takes to be that good check out

Or check out Rob Atha and Joe Hamilton winning the World Championships of doubles in a multi-table tournament in France. The Canadian Mens national foosball team came in 5th place at the World Cup in the same tournament.

Author: RezaREX Reply #1 Posted: Mar 19 2010 12:08AM

I'll never get tired of watching that vid.

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