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Topic: saskatoon should a torment
hey was think why not have a torment here in Saskatoon have Regina Calgary Edmonton promote Foosball it might best ideal a two days torment im sure Barry will go for it and have a good torment right here in Saskatoon lets get Foosball back on the map
Great Idea.Great city.Early summer?June or July?Sounds good to me.I hope you guys put it together.I'm rooting for you. P.S.keep foosin'!
well i check out on tap bar where is one the Foosball is play and it is dead on Sunday all day and not that busy on Saturday afternoon so Barry would want have a Saskatoon tournament even if it is one day at less it will help Saskatoon sask foos
it is march now why not have a in may or start of june and if is two days that be more better people from regina calgary and Edmonton come down to the tournament
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